Barbe Broue Microbrewery

Barbe Broue Microbrewery invites you to celebrate the summer!

Located in a rural setting, this friendly microbrewery offers a welcoming site for families and passersby. The location is easily accessible for motorhomes and trailers.

Come by the shop! You can now enjoy the complete range of beers brewed on-site.

The terrace beckons you to socialize and exchange stories, as it provides a window into the brewing room.

Do you have growlers? Now you can fill them with your favorite beer.

Are you an outdoor enthusiast? Come stock up on freeze-dried products for camping, hunting, or fishing. In addition to their freeze-dried meals and snacks, Barbe Broue also offers hermetic weekend meal buckets (7 meals + snacks). Pre-order in advance to reserve your weekend bucket!

Ferme barbe broue resto
transfo barbe broue micro
boutique barbe broue micro
pancarte 2021 barbe broue micro

À propos de l'entreprise

Adresse corporative

217 route 101
Nédélec Québec
J0Z 2Z0

Adresse commerciale

217 route 101
Nédélec Québec
J0Z 2Z0

Adresse courriel



Heures d’ouverture

Horaire d'été Mercredi au dimanche de 11h a 20h (selon achalandage)
Horaire d'hiver Mercredi au samedi de 13h à 18h (selon achalandage)

Médias sociaux

Autre(s) point(s) de vente

8 produits sont disponibles a travers la régions dans les dépanneurs et épiceries

Service de livraison disponible


Services de commande disponible



Agricultural activities, Restaurants and tasting tours



Looking to make your stay last a lifetime?

Come and settle in

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