
Recreational winter trails stretch between 2 mountains, La Bannik and Mont Lachapelle, just outside Ville-Marie. The highest points rise to 267 metres and offer magnificent views of majestic Lake Témiscamingue, Lac Laperrière and the Ville-Marie skyline. A trail encircles the Laperrière marsh, a veritable bird sanctuary. A footbridge between the marsh and Lac Laperrière takes you through an open landscape, a peaceful and enchanting place. The network winds through the boreal forest of Temiscamingue, where you can observe a wide variety of coniferous and deciduous trees, including cedars, pines, oaks and maples.

For more information: https://accespleinair.org/fatbike/sentiers-recreatifs-dhiver-de-duhamel-ouest


Important message : Sentiers récréatifs d'hiver de Duhamel-Ouest

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