Central School
école construite en 1945 située à Laverlochère-Angliers, secteur Angliers
Year : 2016
Photo credit : Christine Brézina
Centrale School
By deciding to build a central school on July 30, 1945, which would serve all the French and English-speaking children of the parish, Angliers stood as a pioneer by being one of the first municipalities in Quebec to bring all children, from both the village and the countryside, together in one place.
A loan of $40,000 was obtained from a Montreal credit union, and a government grant of $20,000 was added. The school board was the project’s mastermind, and Father A. Simard acted as the work supervisor and was remunerated for his task. In July 1947, another loan of $15,000 was necessary, and in November of the same year, a new loan of $15,000 was taken. The design plans were entrusted to Mr. Adrien Dufresne from Montreal. The building is made of stone with semi-circular round windows, which is quite unique for our region.
The school opened its doors to students in September 1947. One year later, the school board placed itself under protection of the law due to payment defaults, and the Superior Court appointed an administrator. Since 1975, the school has become a multifunctional building housing religious services, municipal offices, Angliers Promoters, the library, a community room named Salle Simard, and the fire department station.
Did you know:
The central school of Angliers is the first in Témiscamingue to bring together all the students from the village and the countryside in one place. Its architecture is unique in the territory.